Dang T. H. Nga

Position: Senior Advisor

  • Master 2 Pro Intellectual Propery, University Patheon Assas, Paris, France (2007)
  • Post-graduate Degree, University Patheon Assas, Paris, France (2006)
  • Hanoi University of Law, Hanoi, Vietnam (LLB., 1998)
  • French language and civilisation, Piatigorsky Languistic University, Russia (B.A., 1991)
Experience Before starting her carrier in intellectual property law, Ms. Nga had been an economic journalist. She had worked at the D&N International’s head office in Vietnam for 3 years before moving to France in 2004. Since then, she has been the firm’s Head of Liaison Office in this European country.

Ms. Nga is very familiar with international trade and business customs and cultures of different countries in the world. Being D&N International’s Director of Legal Consulting & Litigation Department, Ms. Nga’s practice includes all aspects of intellectual property and investment and business laws.

Her working languages are Vietnamese, French, English and Russian.

  • International Trademark Association (INTA);
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)